When making an insurance comparison it is essential that you not only compare the quotes for the cheapest insurance but that you also take out insurance that is adequate for what you need. Gocompare car insurance after reading these tips that may help you to keep down your insurance premiums.
Secure your vehicle
Is your car left by the side of the road each night or is it secured in a garage under lock and key? You may be able to save on your car insurance premiums if you are able to keep it off the road. When you leave your car on the roadside you are at risk of it being stolen, vandalised or of it being accidentally damaged by passing vehicles and all this can boot up the amount you pay in car insurance premiums.
Do you really need fully comp insurance?
Do you really need to take out fully comprehensive car insurance? If you have a second hand car then you may be just as well taking out third party fire and theft insurance for your car. You may even want to go compare car insurance with providers who specialise in offering insurance for used cars.
How much excess can you afford to pay?
Generally the more you offer to pay for the excess on your insurance policy, the cheaper your car insurance premiums might be. One word of warning though you do have to find the amount of excess you choose out of your own pocket, so remember to put some money aside in case it is needed.
Limited mileage
Is the car you want to insure a second car, if it is and you will not be using all the time you might want to look and go compare car insurance that comes with limited mileage. You are able to choose the amount of miles you do each year and providing you do not go over this amount, your insurance premiums could be a great deal lower than with a standard car insurance policy.
These are just some of the many tips you may wish consider before you go compare car insurance and choose your insurance policy.
Secure your vehicle
Is your car left by the side of the road each night or is it secured in a garage under lock and key? You may be able to save on your car insurance premiums if you are able to keep it off the road. When you leave your car on the roadside you are at risk of it being stolen, vandalised or of it being accidentally damaged by passing vehicles and all this can boot up the amount you pay in car insurance premiums.
Do you really need fully comp insurance?
Do you really need to take out fully comprehensive car insurance? If you have a second hand car then you may be just as well taking out third party fire and theft insurance for your car. You may even want to go compare car insurance with providers who specialise in offering insurance for used cars.
How much excess can you afford to pay?
Generally the more you offer to pay for the excess on your insurance policy, the cheaper your car insurance premiums might be. One word of warning though you do have to find the amount of excess you choose out of your own pocket, so remember to put some money aside in case it is needed.
Limited mileage
Is the car you want to insure a second car, if it is and you will not be using all the time you might want to look and go compare car insurance that comes with limited mileage. You are able to choose the amount of miles you do each year and providing you do not go over this amount, your insurance premiums could be a great deal lower than with a standard car insurance policy.
These are just some of the many tips you may wish consider before you go compare car insurance and choose your insurance policy.